I Googled Myself, and It Scared the Hell Out of Me

That was the first time I scared myself.

Anshul Kummar


Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

Why do we press harder on the remote control when we know the batteries are weak? Have you ever had such zany questions pop into your mind?

Where do you go to calm your boggled brain?

If you are thinking of spilling the quirky contents of your mind to people, they will never treat you again.

So, we all will simply open Google, won’t we?

We all Google countless recipes, information, ideas, and everything we don’t know or want to learn more about. But have you ever Googled yourself?

Although we know ourselves far better than Google, we still do it.

I don’t know why, but it’s satisfying!

If you have yet to try it, have a go! I hope it won’t be as scary to you as it was for me.

So, the other night, I searched for my name on Google. It was unexpected, and I’m unsure how my thoughts led me there. When I Googled myself:

“5,540,000 results”

It’s quite something; Google managed to find 5 million results about me!

Oops, oodles of namesakes! I scrolled down.



Anshul Kummar

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: https://linktr.ee/wordsmithwriter0