I Got BANNED for This!

Balancing Act
2 min readFeb 15, 2022
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Welcome to the Forbidden Land of Snowflakes! Or, a tale of certain Medium writers that don’t have a backbone.

I’m less than a month into Medium. I consider it an excellent platform to create and consume independent content (as long as you can afford the subscription). You don’t need to have legions of followers for people to see your ideas. Nor do you need to sacrifice your soul to the algorithmical gods. There is a refreshing lack of “suggested” content, which also means that you don’t have to pay to be ranked higher.

As exciting as all that is, there are also limitations. They come in the form of mentally inadequate writers who are too afraid to admit to being wrong. Furthermore, they are so intellectually frail that the mere idea of a maliciously logical mental presence, capable of derailing their wildest feverish fantasies, is cause enough to burrow so deeply into their safe spaces as to illuminate with brilliant clarity their utter and unmitigated defeat.

So who are these titans of human consciousness? They are not always trivial to identify. One has to donate certain amount of mental capacity in order to first process their often hysterical diatribes, and then come up with a dressing down worthy of their highly illogical fallacies, which is always the easy part considering their levels of incoherence.



Balancing Act

Ukrainian-American, aspiring optimist and satirist, self-proclaimed amateur philosopher, anti anti-everything, arts and sciences enthusiast.