I Got Infected Because Of Less Water Consumption

Spent the worst night of my life that day.

Suvadeep Paul
4 min readMay 18, 2022


I Got Infected Because of Less Water Consumption
Photo by Author, designed using Canva

Consumption of water is very important for the body.

As our body is made up of 60% of water, it is very important to consume enough water throughout the day.

Drinking water is not only important for the brain to function but also for flushing out all the bad bacteria from the body.

Additionally, it also is very important for the muscles and that is why if building muscle is your goal then it is necessary to have enough amount daily.

It is recommended to have 3–4 liter for a male and 2–3litre of water for a woman every day.

Anywhere less than 1.5 liters per day can cause problems in the long term.

And that is what happened to me.

I was never a guy who was a fan of, or punctual in having 3–4 liters of water a day and because of that, I fall in trouble.

I rarely used to have 1 liter per day.

Because of that, I got diagnosed with UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).

What is UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra.


Although women are at a higher risk of getting affected, men can also suffer from this disease.


  1. Pain in urination.
  2. Strong urge to urinate more often (as often as like every 1–2minuites).
  3. Blood in the urine.
  4. A frequent and small amount of urine.
  5. Strong and smell in urine.

What happened to me?

I got diagnosed with UTI in September of 2021.

The reason was low water consumption. The week I got diagnosed with UTI, I barely had 500ml water in the whole day.

Pretty insane, right!!! — I also realize now.

Additionally, it was hot at that time so I used to sweat a lot.

Now, here is the story

On 29th September at night, I felt some pain while urinating.

I knew it was because of less water intake. That’s why I had some water.

After 20–30minuites once again I went to the toilet and from that time the pain started increasing.

Also, a little bit of blood was coming out of my urine. So I got scared.

It was pretty late when things got worse. Because of that, I was unable to go see a doctor.

That night I stayed awake and went to the toilet almost every 2 minuites.

The pain I faced was the worst.

I did some research and got to know I was diagnosed with UTI.

The next day in the evening I went to see a doctor and he said the same. I had UTI in my bladder.

As the situation was not worse he gave me some medicine and told me all will be fine within 2–3 days. Also, he suggested taking some rest.

Thankfully I recovered after 2 days.

Though there was still some pain, it was not anywhere close to what I faced.

Urine sample of UTI infection.
The urine sample I collected when I was diagnosed with UTI

Nowadays I no longer make the same mistake.

Now, I usually have 2–3 liters of water daily(sometimes even more).

I will also suggest my readers not to make the same mistake as I did.

It was really painful which you will never want the experience.

That is all for the blog.

Give the blog a couple of claps. Share with your friends and families so that they do not do the same mistake.

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