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I got rid of my smartphone for 3 months

What I learned will shock you…

Published in
7 min readSep 18, 2023


How I ended up going without a smartphone for 3 months

It was an accident…

It wasn’t planned at all. I tried getting rid of my smartphone for years, I’ve always been someone who enjoys nature. Someone who loves to experience the world through my own eyes, rather than through a screen or someone else’s.

Anyway, back to the story.

I was in the gym, I’d just done a strenuous 3-and-a-half-hour training session. I was training hard on the punchbag, sweat dripping off me like water sliding off an ice-cold can of juice (soda) on a hot summer day.

I must note that my attention span is horrendous.

I was getting my stuff out of my boxing bag, ready to go into the shower; placing my phone in the locker. My mind was on 87 things at once, and I forgot about the 88th thing — my phone.

Consequently, I ended up swiping my phone off the locker with my boxing bag; resulting in my phone smashing into the floor like a hammer hitting a nail.

I nervously gazed down at the rear of my phone case, hesitantly turning it over — discovering that the screen was totally obliterated.



Joshua maos

Freelance copywriter & content writer. Writing on a myriad of different subjects. A student of life. A creative & intrepid mind.