I had a threesome

Rina Zhubi
Published in
Apr 8, 2021


Dainis Graveris via Unsplash

I had a threesome with pain and joy,

It brought me to the life I enjoy.

A little hurt, a little smile,

But in the end, it was fine.

They were both nice, though I didn’t expect,

Making me go low to reach my higher self.

Penetrating my soul while touching my body,

They made me love the person I was becoming.

They brought me to tears then, made me shine,

Mirroring me to the life I want.

They cared for me, though from different angles

Making me be my guardian angel.

Threesome, which felt too much,

Like I was the one that needed to get out.

Pain and joy played with me for long,

A threesome that made me sing the freedom song.

