I had acne for 6 years (acne to healing journey)

Kiki kameran
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2023

Welcome to raw writing! I had this thought in my mind for a long time now to talk about my acne journey. I don’t know, why I am late, but maybe you are never too late! Writing this because maybe it does help someone who is struggling with acne. Because if I am not struggling with it that much anymore doesn’t mean no one is because I still remember my younger self. She used to check the mirror again and again. I remember her feelings being hurt a thousand times. Definitely wasn’t the best time but this is the reality of life. It has pain and indeed with hardship comes ease.

I was in 9th Grade when summer vacation ended, I came to school with one huge pimple on my face. Probably the first-ever pimple who decided to grow a crowd later. I didn’t care about it I was just chatting with friends when one by one and then everyone started asking, “What is wrong with your face, you never had a pimple!” I simply replied, “I don’t know what happened but I got it.”


Little did my younger self know that it is going to increase within days. The questions of people started even more which put me in worry about my skin. Even the principal asked me if I have a skin problem. I can’t believe these grown-up folks were asking these types of questions. Honestly, I am never going to ask anyone about their bodies, what is wrong with their hair or face or belly. Because I understand it is horrible to ask such questions. If you can’t fix it, just don’t ask. Let the person live!

Surprisingly, this acne kept increasing, I cried, watched videos online, cried even more, tried face masks, and cried more. I thought I was going to live with it forever and it has no solution. Not only friends but relatives also started noticing it and asked questions. I remember a video I watched where this person said when he had acne, once his teacher called him by a name, to make fun of his pimples. That was definitely what I call bullying by a grown-up teacher.

After a few years, I decided to visit a dermatologist. Just before visiting him, I read articles about skincare where it said you need to cut out dairy and sugar from your diet. I already changed my diet to a no-sugar diet. The dermatologist also recommended the same and gave me huge capsules with a few application products for external use.

I remember, my dad brought so many imported chocolates for us at that time but I just watched my siblings eating them. Though I did eat one chocolate of 100 calories a week. I genuinely started seeing a difference in my skin for the better.

I then tried cupping treatment (hijama), which I still do, it is amazing for healthy skin. Not only for the skin but one can use it for different diseases. Saying goodbye to sugar played a huge role in helping me get rid of acne.

I still sometimes get pimples now but they are mostly hormonal and go away soon if I focus on diet and try to be healthy. But at least the acne which used to cover my cheeks went away with these changes.

Acne probably taught me a few things:

. Nothing is forever

. This too shall pass

. Stop worrying about the things you can’t magically change

. Patience will make it easy for you

. Trust the process

. Eat healthily

. Take care of your skin

. Never compare your skin color to anyone, this is the stupidest thing one can do, you can make measures to achieve healthy skin though

. Love yourself, no matter what. No one cares about you unless you love yourself. If you love yourself and stay confident, people will eventually start liking you anyway

. You are YOU, you are one of the kind



Kiki kameran

A creative writer, "Kiki". Come say hi to me on one of my stories.