I Hate The Dishwasher

Why? It is on the floor, or almost.

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2021


I hate to bend down and fill it up. I often leave the plates on my desk until it is absolutely necessary to start load more and turn it on — so I can leave my flat because I hate the sound of it. That sound always kills my inspiration.

I always try to turn it on in the last minute before I leave the house — and of course sometimes I forget it — and then had to listen to the dishwasher blues when I am back home again.

And I am sure many people hate the Corona Dishwasher Blues these days.

There are two things I never understood. Why is the wall between the kitchen and the living room removed in modern houses and flats? Why is the dishwasher on the floor?


Now back to your story...Muhammad Fazal

If you take away the "don't " in that question in your story? What do you say? Then you say you want to do it. A clear command to your brain. Right?

In the header in that part you use NOT. If your header was like this... Self-Esteem Is Often About Small Achivemenrts!

Do you see the difference?

If you want to teach and learn people how to do things — or give a recomendation — then you should never use no or not — or explain how to do things in a wrong way.


I used to love to do the dishes until I moved into a modern flat with the dishwasher on the floor. It took me one year before I started to use it after my new girlfriend started to frequent my house.

How could this happen? I was the man who used to say the dishwasher was the greatest invention humans has ever brought to earth until I got one.

At that time I always hated to do the dishes. So what did I do? I started to say I love to do the dishes, and in a very short time I did love it, when I did it.

And I loved to do it right after a meal. It became a routine like a teethbrush.

Do you want to do the dishes? If your answer is: Not now... Then you tell yourself you will never want do it. I do, because the dishwasher is on the floor.

See… I am okey, but the dishwasher is on the floor…

P.S. I have noticed that in some brand new houses the dishwasher is lifted up from the floor. Did somebody read my story about designers about a year ago? Well…
Now I have started dreaming…

© d’Viggo 2021




You might know me, but you don’t. I got wet in the rain, but now always soaked. I thought a lot. High thoughts and also loud and clear.