I Have 300,000 Ethereum Tokens That Are Worth $0

Maybe I should have paid attention

Paul Kim


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

In 2017, I received 300,000 ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum network. They should be worth millions, right? Nope, they’re worth $0. Little did I know back then that I was paid hoping those tokens would be worth something today.

I was approached by a business associate from a previous endeavor to join a startup that could use some UI/UX help with their web application. He inquired if there was any interest in supporting full time and indicated it would be 100% remote work. It was tempting, since the idea of working from home appealed to me, but the lack of job security gave cause for hesitation. We alternatively agreed that I would assist on an as-needed basis.

The work was fairly straightforward, as I would provide feedback on their website layouts. Occasionally I would even help code or debug trickier scenarios. The app had serious potential and the company behind it had staying power. They were well funded, or so it seemed, and even had celebrity backing — to remain unnamed.

The startup had plans to create an ERC-20 token — I did not know there was more than one type — to be used within the website as a type of reward and form of payment. I never saw the inner workings of how this would be accomplished. When the associate…

