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I Have More Than Ten Piloerections Per Day

…and I Can’t Control It*

Ruby Melone
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020


Every morning, I leave my house with some freshly brewed coffee in my favorite To-Go-Cup, some overnight oats with freshly cut fruits, and the newest edition of our local newspaper on my iPad.

I was never a morning person. When my alarm rings, I don’t even bother thinking about switching it off right away to start a super productive morning routine. I turn around, I snuggle and enjoy ten more minutes of dozing off to sleep.

Yet, I have figured out a morning routine that works for me — because I decided to take a little bit me-time on the train while heading to work. I enjoy it quite a lot. I take my time to find a seat by the window, I have my lovely breakfast with me and a newspaper to inform myself about the world. Plus, I have twenty minutes of time, that I get to spend on myself and a kind of aware morning.

Four weeks ago though, someone interrupted my quiet routine. He was standing by the doorway, waiting to get out at the next stop. Our eyes met.

I could tell he was smiling underneath his facial mask. His eyes were surrounded by little wrinkles. Maybe he smiled at women a lot, or maybe he was just one of those super happy people.



Ruby Melone

Passionate about writing, medicine, nature and my bunny “the shredder”,