I Haven’t Seen Any Friends In Person For One Year

It’s a weird and scary realization

Christian Behler


Image by Matheus Ferrero on Pexels.

Today is the 5th of February 2021. It marks the day when it has been exactly one year since I last saw my friends in person, which is quite a weird and scary realization.

When we met for a normal movie night like any other one year ago, none of us could have predicted what was going to happen in the 12 months since then.

The Beginning

When we met at the beginning of February the first COVID case in Germany had already been confirmed and we have all seen the news reports from Wuhan, China. But it still seemed like it might be another pandemic that could be contained locally like SARS in 2003 or Ebola in 2014–2016.

However, just one or two weeks later, it became scaringly clear that this wouldn’t be the case. Clusters were popping up everywhere in the world and the first local cases were confirmed. At that point, nobody knew anything. How does it spread, how long is the incubation period, and how long do the viruses stay alive. Even though no official restrictions were passed yet, it didn’t seem worth taking the risk of meeting.

The First Lockdown

As the case numbers were exploding and news reports from the worst infected areas…



Christian Behler

M. Sc. Computer Science and Physics, Indie Game/Software/Web Developer, Writer, 3D Artist, and too many other interests. https://pingpoli.medium.com/membership