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I Just Can’t Watch It Anymore

I’m frustrated because I want to go and help

Patti Murray Voncannon
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2022


My television has never been more watched since the 9/11 devastation. Three specific pictures have me in nightmares like never before. The first is the one with a nurse diligently bagging an infant ever so fragile to keep the baby alive. I have done this; I know her pain. The next is a man dragging his disabled son up a stairway as the boy’s legs just bang bang against each step. The last was the one that made me throw up. Garbage bags of deceased humans being thrown into open six-foot-deep trenches. All thrown away like wood burnt in a fire pit.

I just can’t watch it anymore. Families who just a day ago were trying to figure what the weekend activities were going to be, wake up in a nightmare like something out of the twilight zone. This is 2022, this should not be happening!

I want to help. I don’t want to write a check, although I will, but I want to go there and help. Yes, me a 62-year-old grandmother with a bad back but a damn good nurse. I want to go and give someone a hug or hand somebody a water bottle or help change a diaper, or even deliver a baby! I want to bring some hope to someone who has lost everything they ever knew. And yet I can’t. I don’t have a passport and how would I get there if I did. I’m open to any ideas. It’s so damn hard to just sit and…



Patti Murray Voncannon

I'm a grandmother. I've had a successful career as a nurse. I have dreamed of being a writer as far back as I can remember! And Im so proud to be writing here!