I Just Published my First Book

There are just a few things in life that make you feel so good like holding your first published book

Marcel Badia Roig


Image by Author

Writing is not easy, I am sure many will agree with me. The feeling of having a material piece that may help someone it’s amazing.

The main reason why I write the book is to try to open the eyes of those that are still struggling with the Unemployment system and are not able to find a job.

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” — William Shakespeare

The book explains, in easy steps, how to apply what I’ve learned from my mistakes so you can walk on a clear path to success and stop depending on unemployment nightmares.

This is a must-have guide for any aspiring entrepreneur who wants to start a business but does not have the resources or inspiration to do so. Writing in a language easy to understand includes practical tips from my personal experiences to create a successful company. The book also includes tips and suggestions to avoid making the identical mistakes I did. You’ll find where to go from the idea, how to market research, paperwork, effective marketing, risks, naming your business, free tools, funding, and more.



Marcel Badia Roig

Marcel’s goal is to help connect the global and entrepreneurial community networks to engage with each other and have a positive impact on their lives.