I Keep Hearing That Working From Home Is The Future — And It Bugs Me to No End

A. Aud
Published in
4 min readDec 23, 2020


Photo by Shopify Partners at Burst

Introvert paradise — that’s how I’ve heard the current work-from-home situation called.

Obviously, that only applies to those of us lucky enough to still have a job.

Regardless of how anyone personally feels about being at home versus being at the office, having the chance to continue working is nothing less than a luxury, and I’m thankful for it every day. I get to keep my apartment, I get to buy food, and I get to do cool and fun work.

Now that it’s out of the way — what I have a big, fat problem with is the bit involving all of the hypocrisy.

Remember how, just until prior to the whole COVID-19 predicament, a lot of employers seemed to be firmly planted in their conviction that workers at home are not to be trusted? That they must be slacking off because, apparently, they have no self-control, let alone a desire to actually earn their salary?


And suddenly — less than a year after — these same employers are telling us that working from home is the future and that they are considering leaving their office spaces behind for good.

The way I see it, there are two possibilities as to why. Either some employers are genuinely convinced that working from home is…

