I Kept A Secret From My Wife

Daily Life Escapism
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2023


You wake up in your 100 million-dollar mansion. You are feeling grateful for the life you’ve built yourself. It was like yesterday when you thought of this silly little idea that has made you millions.

Author, by using DALL-E.

But then you are back in the pub with your friends, wondering how you will pay for your drink. They are already cheering because the idea you just shared is incredible. However, you aren’t excited about it anymore.

It isn’t anything new.

We are our worst enemies. When we talk about our goals or dreams we often relive them as we tell the story. But that’s akin to fulfilling them, even if it was all in our heads.

I’m guilty of it as well.

I never tell my small group of friends my dreams and ambitions, but I do tell everything my wife. She is supportive and my greatest friend on earth. But just as I mentioned earlier, I live the fantasy before I can make it true.

Our brains are weird, but we can use it to our advantage.

Telling our goals out loud makes our brains get a dopamine rush and feel good. It’s because we are excited about our goals that we feel so good, but it works against us. That act of dreaming out loud quiets the wind in our sails.

By being happy that we have a goal we are excited about, we are murdering our dreams.

I have a lot of dreams and aspirations, and some I keep to myself. I nurture that excitement so that one day I can show my wife what an incredible thing I’ve made. My dream includes her excitement as fuel.

Think about one person who would be excited about your success. Don’t tell them. Live the fantasy of telling them after you’ve made it come true. Resisting that urge is similar to delayed gratification.

We are creating motivation for ourselves by tricking our minds. We’re not just saving us from that useless dopamine rush, but we’re also creating another reason to be motivated about our dreams.

A few stories back I mentioned I am working on a story about multi-creative people. I only share here ideas about stories I haven’t written yet because my fingers are already eager to dance. But that story never came out.

When I started writing it, I realized the idea was so big it couldn’t be a story. It has turned into a book.

But instead of telling my wife and sharing my excitement, I kept it to myself. Only now, a month later, when I finished reading draft 3 I revealed it to her. And it felt amazing!!

I will be self-publishing on all the major EBook platforms so make sure to leave your email down below to get notified when it’s out:

When was the last time you kept a secret?

It’s easier for me because there aren’t a lot of important people in my life:

