I Kept Telling My Husband We Didn’t Have Real Problems

This incredibly painful thing made it so clear that I divorced him

Colleen Sheehy Orme


Photo by Jonathan Borba: On Pexels

“You need to deal with things,” I say.

“I’m fine,” says my husband.

“You’re not fine,” I say. “You’re getting angry when you’re drinking.”

He ignores me.

“We don’t have real problems,” I say. “These aren’t real problems. Just deal with whatever you’re feeling so you stop upsetting all of us, and we can move on.”

I can’t count the number of times I had this conversation with my husband. It was on repeat while we struggled the last few years of our marriage.

He didn’t care.

Even when I added to the conversation.

“We don’t have financial worries, our children are healthy, work is going well, you have more time off a year than most,” I say. “And we love each other, we can work these marital problems out.”

My husband dug in.

He was upset and angry and he wasn’t going to get over it.

Especially, since he felt I had started it.

I had uttered I felt lonely being married to him and dreamed of meeting someone who actually made me feel they cared. Or…



Colleen Sheehy Orme

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected colleen.sheehy.orme@gmail.com