I Know A Lot

Satyendra Rana, Ph. D.
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2021
Photo by Satyendra Rana (it’s a selfie)

I Know A Lot.

I also know that there is a lot that I know which I could have been just fine without knowing.

I also know that I know a lot that is useful but not being put to use.

I also know that I know which is useful but not being put to use either due to cognitive laziness or fear of the unknown.

I also know that there is a lot that I don't know.

I also know that there is a lot to know that I don't know which I should know.

I also know that there is a lot that is unknowable.

I also know that there is a lot that is unknowable, but I can’t stop trying to know.

Do I Need to Know More?

I also know that you will say that knowledge is not enough.

I also know that you will say that we are born as bounty hunters, not just knowledge gatherers.

I also know that you will also say that there is a time to gather, and there is a time to hunt.

I also know that you will also say that if you must keep on hunting even if you don't succeed at the time.

What must be the Focus of a Decision Intelligence System?

I believe that the focus of a decision intelligence system should be more than a knowledge delivery system.

I believe that a decision intelligence system should be there to help us hunt.

I believe that helping us hunt is an order of magnitude harder than providing us with knowledge.

I believe that assistance in hunting requires active participation from both us and the decision intelligence system.

I believe that luck has a role to play in hunting, but it is not the entire story.

I believe that it is possible to design a decision intelligence system that can help get the most out of what is not dependent on luck.

Would you agree with me?

If yes, let’s get ambitious about the design goals for the next generation of decision support systems.



Satyendra Rana, Ph. D.

Explorer of cognitive technologies that engage and work with humans in a harmonious way, and help them realize their creative potential.