I Launched a Substack: Hello, IntrovertWorld.

Wambui Njuguna
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2022

I bore a baby to the world on August 15, and I hope she grows into everything I have always dreamt of.

The journey wasn’t easy and was full of self-doubt.

Months ago, at most two, I got introduced to substack by a writer here on Medium (my apologies to the awesome writer because I can’t remember who they were).

Before then, I had read a lot of advice on the importance of having an email list but I curse how long I take my time in practicing what I learn.

I have always had the idea of starting a newsletter in the back of my mind, but with all the overwhelming ideas of a budding writer, I always pushed it back to the farthest corners.

It was until the unknown writer’s article that I eventually took action. I signed up on substack.

I was immediately discouraged because I had seen it as an opportunity to earn money through paid subscriptions, and their preferred platform of payment was Stripe which is currently unavailable in my country.

After filling in my name as wambuin.substack.com and posting the coming soon page, I spent several days before logging in again.

I don’t know if it had anything to do with the discouragement, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out who I should write to and what I should write.

After contemplating for a few more days, I decided I did not want to start a newsletter anymore. Looking back now, I believe it had a lot to do with my inability to earn money from the platform.

Fast forward to June 21 when I signed up again intending to fulfill my purpose as a writer; share my view as a writer to the world and hopefully impact someone or make someone’s day better selflessly.

And so this time, I chose to stay. I introduced IntrovertWorld to the world and labeled it a community that aims to redefine introversion to the world. A community for introverts and for people who want to understand the introverts in their life better.

I had a clear image of who I wanted to write to this time, but I was still not confident in my ability to share something ‘engage-worthy’, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write emails to people sharing more than just my musings on introversion.

Like every other writer’s dilemma, I felt I had no right to.

I logged out after writing a welcome e-mail, and yet another coming soon page and haven’t been back on IntrovertWorld until August 15.

Nine days ago, I finally got out of my head, let go of the self-doubt, stopped being selfish, and shared my musings on introversion with the world.

Photo by Dmitry Shamis on Unsplash

I repurposed a Medium article and with that, launched IntrovertWorld; a community aimed at redefining introversion.

I call the substack newsletter my baby because I experienced a lot of joy sharing it with the world. I shared the news on Twitter and LinkedIn and will do my absolute best to ensure it grows to something magnificent.

A handful of subscribers gave me the opportunity to hold a community online, and I intend to be loving and thorough towards its growth.

My mission with IntrovertWorld is to not only build a community but also impact the people who engage with it positively by sharing insightful, engaging, and informative lessons, experiences, and musings through my articles.

I see IntrovertWorld growing as a diverse community that’s inclusive and safe for everyone who longs to have that kind of community.

To my new baby🥂.



Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: https://wambui.carrd.co/