I Learned To “Play” With The Vulva And Now I Love It

This is the way to reach orgasm faster than a flash



Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Anyone who has watched Harry Potter will identify with what I will say next: playing with exploring your vulva is like entering the magical universe of Hogwarts. That's right because this is a true magic of pleasures — But instead of using wands to have fun, I'm going to show you that it's possible to use your fingers to make the magic happen, lol.

And I say more, before learning this technique I was a complete “idiot”, but now that I know what to do, where to touch, and how to move my fingers, I have become a true pleasure magician.

And do you know the good side of all this? I'm going to tell you everything about how I got there and how you can also try it at home and have a lot of fun behind closed doors, lol.

Given the warnings, let's get to what really matters… How to make the magic happen.

I'm sure everyone here has already attended 1 or 2 anatomy classes, right?

Well, then I bet you already know that the vulva is the external part of the female genitals and that this includes several erogenous areas, such as the intimate lips, the clitoris, and the entrance to the vagina, right? — That said, here's a tip: all of these points above are…

