
I Learnt A Crucial Parenting Lesson From The Cat…

A tip for all the new parents out there

Aswathy Ramachandran


four kittens on the countertop of kitchen
Photo by Dietmar Ludmann on Unsplash

Since the onset of COVID-19, cats have thrived in our compound. It all started when a cat abandoned her two kittens in our shed. Our family were not welcoming at first but slowly, we warmed up to them.

We noticed one of the kittens was a lot more lively and active while the other was rather shy.

Soon, they became independent and had to no longer depend on us for food. They hunted down rats and other insects within the compound.

With time, the lively one soon gave birth to four kittens. The mother was hustling a lot post their birth — feeding them, finding food for herself…

And you know something, the mother shifted her kittens often around the compound. My grandma told me cats have this habit. I guess probably because she is taking precautions to keep her kittens safe.

One day, the mother was nursing her kitten in our backyard and I happened to walk past them. The kitten was startled by my presence and out of panic, she retreated a few inches behind her mum.

I stole a glance at the duo making sure not to frighten them any more.

All this while, the mother did not move from her spot or get uncomfortable with her kitten panicking. Neither did she go to her baby and try to comfort her. She just stood there glancing at me with no visible alarm while not interrupting me.

I felt the whole episode was parenting at its best

She was teaching her kitten a lot of our fears are unnecessary.

Had she stared at me with a more intimidating look? It would have been a bigger lesson for her kitten — Your size doesn’t tell how strong you are. As it could have scared the hell out of me and I would have ran away.

The mother was walking the talk in front of her kitten and what better way to prepare one’s kids for life ahead?

I wonder how today’s parents would have reacted when their kid gets frightened by something.

The parent would pick them up trying to calm them, cuddle them or rather take the kid away from whatever is frightening the kid.

How wonderful would it be if all the parents behaved the way the cat did?

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Aswathy Ramachandran

Content Writer|ex-Financial Analyst|Featured Author| Freelancer| Spreading joy with words