I look for you in the depths of the ocean.

Krishna Samyuta
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2023
Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash

The deeper and deeper I think of drowning,

The higher and higher I think of rising.

The more the depth the more the love,

Being in love with you is all I owe.

Every moment I want to see you,

Every life I want to be with you.

I look for you in the depths of the ocean,

With the belief to meet you in this notion.

The more I’m drunk the more I’m adrift,

The more I miss you the more I drift.

To be with you is all I want in life,

I welcome the universe to give me surprise.

Concealed in thy depth are numerous treasure,

To my soul, you are the sacred pleasure.

I’ll Embrace and sheath you from the rest of the world,

And adorn your hair to make it pearled.

You and I are none but one,

Together we rise above the sun.

The ocean and tides are raveled for long,

Together and intimate we become a song.

Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate your time and encouragement. I would like to thank you again for being a part of my journey….
With love,
Krishna Samyuta



Krishna Samyuta

An environmentalist, linguaphile and an ardent believer of holistic living. Enthusiastic towards life and love.