I Lost A Lot Of Weight - This Is How I Continue To Keep It Off

Losing it is one thing, keeping it off is another

Blake Shields


Photo by Sven Vahaja on Unsplash

When I started to lose weight, my body went through some very interesting changes.

The first couple of weeks I worked out, I WEIGHED even more on the scale than when I started.

What the hell?

Well, there is a science to this but let me tell ya, I threw the damn weight scale out on the lawn after that.

I can never stick to just one workout routine. When I worked at a gym for years, I saw the same members every day do the same damn workout every day, and wouldn’t ya know, they looked the exact same every year that passed.

I love running, walking, HIIT, lifting weights. I try to mix it up.

Here’s what has helped me not only kick weight off but keep it off.

You can apply these strategies regardless of what stage you are in on your weight loss journey.

I Keep The Gym Membership

I got in the habit of working out from home. I’m lucky enough to live a block away from a fitness park. There’s also YouTube and TikTok videos galore.



Blake Shields

Runner. Personal Trainer. Inquisitive writer. Alcohol free since 2023.