I Lost Everything I Owned

But this is what made me cry like a baby

Colleen Sheehy Orme


Photo by Becerra Govea Photo: On Pexels

I’m walking my dogs this morning when tears fill my eyes. It’s been a month. I shouldn’t feel this sadness. I tell myself I’m being silly. I lost my home in a divorce. I lost 4,500 square feet of belongings. I lost a beach house and a rental property. I lost my life savings and retirement.

And this is what brings me to my knees?

This is what makes me cry like a baby?

Before I tell you what turned me into an infant, let me explain some background.

Item after item was carried over the threshold of my front door. I watched the life I built leave piece by piece. I won’t lie. It wasn’t pleasant but I sucked it up.

I did fight emotion as my dining room table escaped into the outdoors.

I could feel emotional ghosts released into the air. The communal moments of robust laughter and shared worries. The secrets, dreams, joy, and family bonds that a wooden meeting place absorbed with us.

My tears welled but did not drop.

It happened once more as our coffee table fled with it. A young burly guy wrestled it through the open door. I bid farewell to family nights with chips and soda. Pictures scribbled in crayons, legos taking on mega forms, and…



Colleen Sheehy Orme

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected colleen.sheehy.orme@gmail.com