We Love Car Rides!

A poem by Jax

Martha Lueck


Oh, boy! Time for a car ride!

Hello, everyone! My name is Jax. Last week, my friend Lulu shared a story about her walk around the block. Today, I want to tell you how much I love car rides!

Most of the time, it is way too hot outside
for me and my friend Lulu to take long walks.
Lulu and I spend a lot of time inside.
And when our humans aren’t home, we get so bored!

BUT when our humans come home, we just love it
‘cause they give us so much love and attention!
AND they take us on long, exciting car rides!
Me and Lulu always look forward to that!

When the windows are down, we love the cool wind!
We close our eyes, breathe it in, and feel relaxed!
When we do this, our humans tell us we’re cute!
Then they talk about the weather and their day.

Me and Lulu love car rides with our humans,
but we cannot stick our heads out the window.
Our humans say it’s not safe; we might fall out.
At least we can see still see neat cars and places!



Martha Lueck

Published author | Freelance blogger for HealthyPlace.com | Passionate about mental health and Jesus | https://tinyurl.com/5fbu7pj7