I love Myself So I Don’t Need Someone Else’s Love

Self-love is a must and I have learned it

Misha Naraniya
4 min readAug 1, 2022


Photo by Matthias Cooper from Pexels

There must be some moments that come in our life which are extremely painful. I’d also feel the same some months back. Those moments were really painful and I didn’t know what to do.

I spent all of my nights and days crying. When I need someone, no one was there at that time. I couldn’t share my feelings with anyone.

It seemed that I’d been in a dark well for a long time, and am calling out from there but nobody is there to listen to my plea.

I wanted to laugh”.

I wanted someone to be with me”.

I wanted to share all my feelings with someone.”

It was the month of April 2022 when my elder sister came to our city due to some official work. Then a ray of hope awoke in my mind. I share all my feelings, my pain with her.

She said, “I am glad that you shared all your pain, and grief with me. Then she gave me some advice to read a book named “The Secret — The Power”. This book is about self-help, self-love, self-belief, expressing gratitude, and having faith in the Universe.

And when I read this Book you won’t believe that it has changed my perception of how I look at things.

We often discuss this book over the phone call.

I now find positivity even in negative things. Earlier, I used to complain to God, Why is this happening to me? What is my fault? Why me every time?

But now, I express gratitude towards God and all this happened because of this Book: “The Secret — The Power”, and My sister’s belief in me.

I love my life because it brings opportunities to me. Whenever I felt depressed, my life consoled me and saved me from falling apart.

I started to love myself the way I am. And when you do start to love yourself then you don’t need someone else’s love. Now, I don’t need anyone’s opinion about me.

After that, I went to my sister's in her city. We did a lot of traveling. We had dinner at a restaurant. I adorned myself. I wore those dresses which I never wore in the past.

Now, my focus is just on me and I don’t care what will people say because people will talk, as is their hobby.

If you also want to about Self-Love then I’m giving some tips:


  1. Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re unique and you know yourself better.
  2. If Someone has no feelings for you then let them go. All you need is just your accompaniment.
  3. You must go on a trip, because when you go for outings you find immense happiness within yourself, because, after some time, I went on a trip and did a lot of fun there with my sisters and their kids.
  4. If you make mistake then It’s okay because if you won’t do mistakes then how will you learn. Learn from mistakes and grow further.
  5. If you want to cry then cry out loud, as it is better to cry once than to cry again and again. You will feel better.
  6. Every day express your gratitude towards the almighty. Say thank you for everything whether it is good or bad.
  7. Make a Gratitude Journal and write down all your wishes in it. Read it every morning when you wake up and before going to bed at night. Because when we write our wishes and thoughts in the journal they imprint in our subconscious mind.
  8. Put yourself in a hobby which you like the most. My Hobby, My Passion is none other than Writing.
  9. When you feel low do what you like the most. I love to dance when I feel low I start dancing.
  10. Do Meditation every day. By doing Meditation your intuition will start to work properly and you will feel better.
  11. Do Exercise every day, as it can increase your energy and you won’t feel low. You can choose any type of exercise such as Yoga, Surya-Namaskara, Cardio, Pilates, Walking, Skipping, Cycling, etc.

At last, I just want to say that there is nothing more than Self-love. If you love yourself then your life becomes easy-going and you will enjoy every moment.

So, Pals, Life gives us various chances. It is up to you,

What do you pick for yourself?

A life full of Positivity or full of Negativity.



Misha Naraniya

Blogger! Freelance Content Writer! Co-author! Writing is my Passion! Coffee Lover! Join my newsletter here: https://mishanwrites.substack.com/