‘I Love the Poorly Educated,’ Donald Trump Said but Do They Still Love Him

Would he be willing to leave the oval office without a civil war?

Dew Langrial


Image by John Hain from Pixabay

According to Reuters, when Trump won in Nevada in 2016, he felt how it could contribute to his victory. “We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated,” he declared on 23rd February.

It was love at first sight of victory, and it grew steadily. “The best single predictor of Trump support in the Republican primary is the absence of a college degree,” The Atlantic reported in March of that year.

Trump actually does love the poorly educated. He is not laughing at them or ignoring them or wishing them away or informing them that they are wrong about what is really best for them.

~ Elizabeth Picciuto wrote

And why shouldn’t he? Rural America still loves him for sharing his love for the poorly educated. It is not a one-sided love affair.

Who else would be asinine enough to buy his tripe?

~ Elizabeth Picciuto



Dew Langrial

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/