I Made $34k on Amazon KDP using These 4 Easy Steps

Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2023


I wish I would have followed these steps earlier

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Self-publishing on Amazon can be a lucrative business if done correctly. I started uploading no and low content book in June 2020 and I have grossed $34,377.97 so far, with their biggest month being December 2022 where they earned $3,119.83.

My KDP income since June 15 | Screenshot by author

I will provide you with 4 easy steps that helped me to gain more clarity and eventually earn more money during my self-publishing journey.

1. Define Your Strategy

Defining your strategy is essential in any business and self-publishing on Amazon KDP is no exception. To define your strategy, you need to determine your first what types of books you want to create (no, low, medium or high content books) and prioritise what’s important at each stage of your journey.

When starting out it’s crucial to set realistic expectations based on your budget, time, and skillset. You don’t want to overcommit and start creating books that are far too complex and take up most of your time. It’s more important to understand the basics and build a strong foundation.




I write about making money online and I share my experiences to inspire you to have a side income and not rely on your 9-5.