I Made $373.16 from Writing This Year

That’s it — and that’s okay.

Emily Wilcox
Published in
9 min readDec 11, 2020


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

An entire year’s worth of writing on here, reflected in those five digits.

That’s my only source of income for this year. I don’t have a “legitimate” job. I don’t earn money elsewhere. Nor do I have substantial expenses at the moment such as a car or a house or a child (or an addiction to Sims 3 expansion packs. I shook that off back in 2015). But that is by no means enough to cover a month’s worth of rent. That’s not enough to live off. It’s not enough to be comfortable.

And honestly; I’m okay with that. It’s not at all what I was striving for, nor is it enough to cater to how expansive my appetite is, but it’s something. It’s not nothing. It’s more than a tenner, more than a hundred, and it’s a reminder that throughout this apocalypse, I kept writing. Sure, not as frequently as I had hoped. Not as meaningfully or as widely, but I did, I still posted, I kept going, I never once considering quitting. Which means I succeeded — however you choose to define that — because I did not quit. And that’s the only way to fail.

So I gained $373.16. But I wouldn’t have cared if I got $0.16.

Except wait: should I care?

I Don’t Write for Money



Emily Wilcox

In a parallel universe I imagine I’m an astro-archaeologer or an orange cat (either way, I’m curled up on the moon) but here, and forever, I’m a storyteller.