I Made $500 on Medium this Month and Won a Bet

Without any viral articles.

Sabana Grande


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

About 2 months ago or so, myself and The Maverick Files made a bet on which one of us would be the first to earn $500 in one month on Medium. I believe that our wager consisted of $1,500 and a Persian cat — all of which he now owes me. Muahahahaha.

Kidding aside, I do remember reading a bunch of articles in the past about Medium’s coveted “$500 a Month Club” and I strived to learn how I, too, could reach the promised land. Whenever I was reading these articles, I always found that those who made this sum had written stuff that went viral.

Well, I didn’t. I haven’t written a single article that went viral. I had to make this money one article at a time, and while doing so, I learned something about Medium — a concept which The Maverick Files was also the first to introduce me to.

Some topics are just more lucrative than others

Let me put this in perspective. I once saw an article about how someone grew their Medium Partner Program earnings by over 300% in one month. I clicked on it and was disappointed to find out that they had really just made $1 the first month and $4.11 the next. Whereas making any amount of money from your writing is commendable and nothing to scoff at, I couldn’t…



Sabana Grande

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