I Minted My First NFT!

And then this happened…

Kristen Abram


Image of Kristen Abram by Kristen Abram

I have been seriously interested in learning how to make, market and sell NFTs in the cryptocurrency space. I’ve done loads of research, created a strategy, learned how to use some photo editing software (that I’ll talk about in another article) and started creating a collection of images to list as NFTs.

After doing a bunch of research on the different NFT marketplaces, I’ve decided I am going to use OpenSea, which I’ll get into the reasons behind that in a future article as well. I just want to focus on my first NFT mint in this article.

So last night I decide I’m ready to start minting my NFTs. I have a collection of images all edited and ready to go, so why not? Should be easy right?!

Got one minted. So far so good!

Then I realize that just because it’s minted doesn’t mean it’s for sale! Sure, people can bid on it, but it’s not actually listed for sale.

Alright, I’ll just go ahead and list it right? Wrong!

In order to list it for sale, I have to initialize my wallet on OpenSea which is going to cost me a “little bit” of gas. There are two one time gas fees that need to be paid to sell on OpenSea.

Cool! I can do this!



Kristen Abram

Loving mom and wife, living the homestead dream. Urban homesteading, preparing to head north and build a farm from scratch.