I Need to Talk About This One Thing That Upsets Me on International Women’s Day

I’m all about celebrating International Women’s Day, but this drives me nuts.

Shea Hulse
Published in
6 min readMar 8, 2021


Photo by Shaylyn on Unsplash

I’ll preface this by first stating that I don’t consider myself a feminist. Although I don’t know that I could define what a feminist is. I believe in equal rights no matter your color, creed, or, etc. I’m fine with you as long as you don’t hurt yourself, anyone, or anything else to the best of your ability. If you actively try to not be a detriment to society, I’m fine with you. You can try and fail, but keep trying.

Second, is those that take it super far, like there aren’t differences between men and women. Of course, there are, and celebrate it not acting like there are no differences at all. Differences are fine, but it’s when it negatively affects your life that I take issue.

There are differences.

Of course, it’s normal and natural, but sure it doesn’t mean men can’t do “women” things and vice versa. And don’t tell me “women” things don’t exist. I have two kids, 13 months apart, a boy and a girl. They are vastly different.

Everything with my son is ‘boy’ as in he can be brash. He enjoys smashing things and being loud. My daughter is much quieter and infinitely…



Shea Hulse

Wife and mom of two. My books are steamy paranormal romances full of magic and mystery. I help entrepreneurial women do the same. Traveller. Dreamer. Free.