I Never Believed In A Morning Routine Until I Started One

Challenging but rewarding.

Shuana Yap


Photo by Ainur Iman on Unsplash

For many years, I’ve been reading countless blog posts and watching Youtube videos constantly about having a morning routine or being a morning person. I still do. There’s just something about this that makes me click on them.

To be honest, I read and watch them for entertainment as the content is pretty much the same. This isn’t in order but this is what it is — make your bed, meditate, go through your to-do list, exercise, don’t check emails right after you wake up, plan your day, set your daily goals, and so on.

Please tell me I’m not the only person who reads and watches content like this…

I’ve never been a morning person nor do I have a morning routine. The moment I get out of bed and wash up, I do what my gut tells me to do — which is usually watching Netflix or scrolling through Instagram, looking at beautiful Photoshopped pictures. Before I know it, it’s past 4 pm and my plan to exercise at 8 am… Nah, I’ll just do it tomorrow.

It all started when I made a choice right before the pandemic. Which is quitting my job and making a career change. After months of being a sloth and a couch potato, I knew this can’t go on any longer.



Shuana Yap

Self-development, books, and my life experiences | Improving on storytelling and writing | Also blogging at www.howivebeen.com