I Never Expected to Make it to 40

Between my physical health and my mental health, I’m still surprised I’m alive at 41.

Jennifer Nelson


Red buildings amongst lots of greenery and a round road sign with the number 40 written in black on a yellow background with a red outline.
Photo by Damir on Pexels.

Content warning: This pieces touches on severe depression and suicidal ideation, although mostly it was passively wanting to die rather than actively wanting to take my life.

I turned 41 almost 6 months ago, and I’m still trying to process the fact that I even made it to 40. I genuinely didn’t expect to live this long, so it’s been difficult to picture living into my 40s, 50s, or maybe even beyond.

There are two reasons I didn’t expect to make it to 40: my recurring depression and my obesity.


I was about 12 years old when my depression started. I think it might have been after a bad rollover car accident I had been in on a school trip. I distinctly remember laying in bed at night, staring at the red light on my smoke detector and wishing that the house would burn up with me inside. I didn’t actively want to kill myself, but I definitely wanted to die.

However, I didn’t share those dark thoughts with anybody at that time. I’m not entirely certain why. Maybe because there was a whole ethos in the 90s of “Life sucks and then you die.” Maybe because I just assumed everybody felt that way all the time…

