I Ran 5k A Day for 90 Days — This is What Happened.

It isn’t what you would expect…

Tom C


Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

On the 23rd of March, 2020 our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson gave the news that we were all to stay at home, indefinitely, until we had flattened the curve.

Everyone’s world changed forever that day as lockdown was foisted upon us.

My gym (GYMBOX) shut its doors and no one knew when they would open again.

All I had at home was a skipping rope and a 20kg kettlebell.

Over the next few weird days, every serious gym member in the country realised they needed kit, lots more kit, and all of a sudden dumbbells and accessories were either sold out or 5x the original price. I had been practising BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) regularly for 2 years and was fit, very fit but this was pulled, so was my ability to lift heavy weights, but most importantly I had lost my routine and for me to function I need a routine.

So needing something to get into, I started jogging, and I sucked. The park next to me is exactly 5k around and I tried to run a lap one evening as part of my daily reason/allowance to leave the house. I was gassed at 2k and walked the rest. My BJJ and weights training enabled me to go hard in short bursts but my endurance was embarrassing. The next day I went back and managed 3k and…

