I Read That I Should Post a Bio as an Emerging Writer on Medium

So I’m going to go ahead and write one.

Misty Moon


Taken by Jester

Misty was born when I was about ten years old. Moon isn’t her maiden name; that came much later. I was playing in my room, imagining that I would one day write a riveting publication called Virginia Underground, and I would write as Misty.

I have kept a journal on and off since I was seven years old, but Misty wasn’t behind the writing when I was so young. She emerged, full of strength and conviction, when I was about sixteen — when I became very involved in the church, started dating the Cowboy, and pushed Snake away because he wasn’t a Christian.

Misty had a lot of time back then. She would spend her mornings on the school bus, the year after M moved away, doing her first Bible study of the day. The in-depth one.

Misty liked school, too. But when the Cowboy left, Misty retreated deep within me, taking her vibrancy with her; and the hollow person that was left pushed everyone away.



Misty Moon

Writer, survivor, fledgling activist. Misty is the narrator inside my head. Buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mistymoon