I Rediscovered My Love for Poetry on Medium

Writing poems again after years of a poetry drought

J.M. Troppello
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2020


The first time I started writing poetry was years ago when I was in high school. One of my poems got published in a magazine and another one was published in a poetry anthology. Even though I had two poems published, I didn’t feel very confident as a poet.

I kept writing poems, but never submitted them again for publication — not until three months ago when I started writing on Medium.

I don’t know exactly what made me look at my box of poems I’d written years ago, but I started reviewing them and found a few that I thought I could use on Medium. Some were publish-ready, and others needed reworking, but I was so excited.

Writing on Medium helped me rediscover my love of poetry

I remember how I used to love putting pen to paper and venting my feelings about so many facets of life like relationships, my faith, and motivation. Penning poetry was my first foray into writing before I started composing short stories, then novellas, and novels.

Then I moved on from poetry and never looked back — until I learned about Medium.

