I Reduced My Screen Time from 5 Hours to 40 Minutes; How You Can Too

Satendra Baghel
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2023

Life — What a wonderful gift God has given us. All of these philosophical discussions are currently quite appealing. How do we spend our life, though, in the end?

Let me answer.

The two main things we do are:

  1. Use social media (While we wish to spend less time on our screens)
  2. Cry about ‘a boring life or complain about not having an interesting one.’
Photo by Shyam Mishra on Unsplash

It’s a trap. A dangerous one. Additionally, I’ve spoken about how social media, and mobile devices in particular, are harming our society and brains.

You want to break the bad habit of constantly checking your phone since you are aware that social media and excessive screen time are harmful. — yet you are unable to just turn off your phone; in fact, watching one episode after another, one video after another, and so on has become your primary habit. — while scrolling through another Instagram, you tell yourself, “Just this last one or just 5 minutes more.” — yet your mind ignores you and you continue scrolling as if it were your 9–5 job.

The question at stake is: If you are the master of your brain, why doesn’t it follow your commands?

Why are you unable to control your mind?

because you are trapped. The most recent technology has you trapped in its cage, which was created after a careful review of the nature of people at their core. – to keep your attention trapped till you become mentally damaged.

If you don’t think that sounds scary, you might get into a lot of trouble. You no longer have power over your head, to say it again.

And if someone else is in control of your brain, they can force you to do anything, whether it is spending too much money on that bag you wanted to buy or vegging out on a popular show when you should have been working.

The only way out of this trap is to indulge more in real life and spend as little time as possible in front of a screen.

