I Scored Low On An IQ Test, Am I Done For?

How to succeed in life with a low IQ.

J.A. Becker


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Imagine you’re 15 and you are told there is nothing outside of your reach — that the stars are within your grasp.

And you believe it.

Then you take an IQ test and the man behind the glass tells you that you have a low IQ. In fact, you have ‘well below average IQ’.

Can you imagine how earth-shattering that was? How devastating for a young mind? How limiting?

Millions and millions of us aren’t Einstein, Dali, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos, Brookes, et al. Do we, the low IQ scorers, have any chance to make our mark on the world? Can we think our way through the complications of this dark universe and find a path to a happy fulfilling life?

The answer is: YES! Goddammit! YES, we can!

Here’s how I lived my life with the weight of that brutal stigma.

Actions Speak Louder Than Scores

Quite a few of us, including my friends, took this test. My best friend scored way way way up there. When he snuck a glance at my number, I lost a lot of his respect.

That hurt, bad.

But fast-forward years, and now I have a family, a meaningful job, and money in the…



J.A. Becker

Father. Writer. Coder. Product Manager. Just enough to be dangerous.