I Spoke With A Publisher and This is Why it Might Not Be For You

But I have to be honest, it wasn’t a ‘real’ publisher.

Shea Hulse


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

When I decided to write my paranormal romance series, I didn’t even think I would finish it, much less publish it. That I have not only finished and published two but that I have a publish date for my third is mind-boggling to me. But I love it, a lot (Jim Carrey comes to mind when I’m saying that in my head).

That’s why when I considered how I was going to publish my books, traditional publishing never crossed my mind. I just went ahead and self-published so I could throw spaghetti at the wall and see if it stuck. It wasn’t until people started saying that they actually liked my books that I thought about it.

But if you don’t know, traditional publishing can be complicated, long, and fruitless. Not a lot of people that pursue traditional publishing actually get published. It’s actually a ridiculously small amount that do.

Editors and publishers agree that the odds of being published are only 1–2%. That is, they only accept, and publish, one or two out of every hundred manuscripts they receive.-Odds Of Being Published — Fiction Writer’s Mentor http://www.fiction-writers-mentor.com

Where did I try to get published?



Shea Hulse

Wife and mom of two. My books are steamy paranormal romances full of magic and mystery. I help entrepreneurial women do the same. Traveller. Dreamer. Free.