I Suffer From Cervical Spondylosis. Here are 3 Tools That Help Me Manage It.

Nightmare Turned Into a Reminder



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I still remember it as clearly as the day it happened.

I started getting a weird pain in my back and eventually, my neck started hurting.

I had been exercising regularly at this point and it was something I’d never experienced before.

After literally a whole year of investigation with the doctors, it turned out I had Cervical Spondylosis. Sounds fancy huh..?

Here’s my story and why it's going to make me stronger than before.

Firstly, what the heck is Cervical Spondylosis?

To put it very simply, it means that the discs in your spine, in particular the neck region, are wearing down.

As they wear down, the bones of the spine tend to compress closer to one another, and the nerves that are found in between them get compressed, leading to more complications for the rest of the body.

As they wear down more and more, the bones of the spine may start rubbing against each other, and lead to bony spurs.




Physical and Mental Health | Data Analyst | Incoming World Traveller I sell stuff on etsy too. https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/shop/HomeLivingArtbyDev