I Supported Haley. Now I’m Being Bombarded by MAGA Spam.

The pitfalls of supporting any candidate in the money-driven American political system

DC Palter


Photo by Janine Robinson on Unsplash

I never write about politics. It would accomplish little other than to piss off half my readers. This article is not about politics. I promise.

While I have strong opinions, they don’t fit neatly into American left-right dichotomy. That said, I abhor Trump. I abhor him for all the reasons that people abhor Trump. No need to enumerate them here.

Whether you love Trump or hate him, I won’t change your mind, so I won’t try. That’s not what this article is about. I’m no fan of old Joe, either, though that’s neither here nor there.

Because I abhor Trump, I decided to support Nikki Haley, hoping against hope she might beat him in the primary and bring sanity back to political discussion. I knew it was a longshot, but I wasn’t making a huge commitment.

All I did was break my independence and register as a Republican so I could vote in the primary for Haley against Trump. But I made what turned out to be a huge mistake — I donated $100 to help her stay in the race.

Immediately, I received a text message from dear Nikki thanking me for my support. And an email. And more text messages…



DC Palter

Entrepreneur, angel investor, startup mentor, sake snob. Author of the Silicon Valley mystery To Kill a Unicorn: https://amzn.to/3sD2SGH