I Think and I Pray

God, Please help

Joi Lake


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

What would I do if I was ten times bolder?

I must be depressed because I don’t even care. I want to care and I wish I could find the answer. Life has tossed me around this past year. Two of my hopes and dreams were far fetched…buy a house so we could get a puppy. Both happened. And now I live in an unfinished fixer-upper my new husband and I bought from my mom.

Photo taken by the author Joi Lake with her daughter, her mother and her new puppy Jessica

And we welcomed our new puppy into our home September 4th! I asked for these things and I got them.

Getting them involved more than I bargained for! God threw me some curveballs so I could have those, and other things I also wanted.

I want to earn a living as a content creator, writer, podcaster and coloring prayer warrior.

I have started so many things this past year. I have learned so much.

I don’t feel like a jack-of-all-trades or a master-of-one…I feel like I’ve been in preschool. I lost my job at the beginning of March 2020 and have been on unemployment.

The timing was good for all the changes…I had time to move to the new house, and when we finally got our puppy, I have been…



Joi Lake

My life is built on prayer and my relationship with God. I am a “Stay-At-Home Writer."