I Think. Therefore, Am I?

Will Descartes forgive me?

James Boylan


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Just what is the difference? If any?

Step 3 says: We turned our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. OK, I remember when I first approached this step thinking “OK, God or whatever is listening, take my will and my life. Now what?”

Being new to the AA Program and new to trying to work with these spiritual concepts that were so very alien to me and my thinking, I really wondered what was now different.

I had thought about the verbiage of the 3rd Step and nothing seemed to be any different at all with me. Except for my curiosity as to why nothing shook or roared around me.

Do you want a hot dog or not?

I was reminded of the man sitting on the curb in front of a Coney Island in Detroit asking for money so that he could eat. He had some coins and wadded bills in a can in front of him but still was asking for money to buy food.

You see, he had asked for something too and received it. And he was still sitting there asking for more and not even using what he had. If he were truly hungry, why didn’t he just take the money he had collected, walk inside, and order a Coney?

His thoughts had only taken him so far and all he had to do was take action on his…



James Boylan

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.