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I Tried Intermittent Fasting for a Month and Here is My Experience and Results

Rashida Nasrin Sucky


Intermittent fasting is quite a buzzword for health freaks nowadays. It’s not too new anymore. People know about it. The most major religion in the world has some form of fasting trend. So, most people in the world have either experienced it or have heard about fasting. But practicing fasting for health benefits is not a traditional thing. I hear a lot about weight loss through intermittent fasting.

There are so many YouTube videos on it. I watched a lot of them and heard people I met to try it. So, I decided to try it myself.

About My Lifestyle

I am 38 years old and very health-conscious to start with. I try to eat healthy meals and exercise regularly. My exercise routine includes running twice a week, 5 miles each time. Biking 6 to 8 miles once a week, yoga twice a week, and some HIT training twice a week. I am not vegan but eat vegan meals for breakfast and dinner. For lunchtime, I prefer chicken or fish mostly. Some red meat once in a while. I also eat a very light dinner.

Why Did I Want to Try Intermittent Fasting?

That’s a good question. Why did I start thinking about it? I was having some digestive issues. I was getting acidity almost every evening. It was painful…

