I Walked 10,000 Steps and Wrote 10,000 Words – Perfect Reboot After a Tough Week

A refreshing day

Make Money with Dee✨🔑💰✅


Image by Abena Talks

It’s day 13 of my September challenge and it’s been tough. Not the challenge but life took over last week and I struggled to keep up with my usual routine.

I haven’t fallen off the challenge, far from it however, I usually walk 10,000 steps a day, sometimes more.

Walking energizes and motivates me to keep going throughout the day. It also boosts my productivity and I get more done in less time when I walk 10,000 steps in a day.

Yesterday, to kickstart my routine again, I walked 10,000 steps and finished 10,000 words of content, and this morning, I feel great!

I’m not going to lie here, I struggled yesterday. It usually takes me about four hours to write 10,000 words. Yesterday, it took me eight hours to finish.

🌞A quick note: People often throw shade on the idea of writing 10,000 words in a single day because they think it’s “rushing” content. I beg to differ.



Make Money with Dee✨🔑💰✅

Conscious niche content writer - Digital investor + Software Engineer 📩 intriguework@gmail.com💰