I want to get tanned(ugly) and get my legs tired

Manoj Surya
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Are we caged? Take me to the oceans and mountains

I moved to a new flat. This has better space than the last one. I got two windows in my room here. One of them has a mesh too. The one above. That’s the one.

Since the corona thing started. I work through the day on calls and emails instead of talking face to face and break a laugh here and there. I make my tea instead of going out with friends to have it.

I sometimes look out of the window and all I could see it building through my mesh. All I can see is a couple of trees and little grass which is a little portion of what I see. Mostly I see a concrete building that is built over deforested land (maybe ages ago) and a few building that blocks the view to the sky.

I walk to the other window, I can’t even see trees here near to me. It is depressing. I look back and I see that I closed my room door too. I would not go out because I need to get back to my chair that is next to the window and work on my 13-inch laptop instead of watching the vast sky.

Life has become working and living from a small box, called my room. To be honest, most days I feel good. I go on runs and cycling in the early morning or late evening when most people either have not got up or already back at their homes. But a few days I think — am I caged within these walls? And then I think are we all caged the same way?

I hope this all ends soon. And I wish to hit the oceans and mountains, get tanned(and ugly) and get my legs tired trekking the mountain.

I am sharing this for two reasons. One to offload what I have in mind. I need to tell this but how I can say to anyone face to face in these times? The other reason, to say, if you feel the same, you are not alone.



Manoj Surya

I write about everything I learnt to become better at life , endurance, health, books, reading and building products