I Was always a good Employee that Gave hundred and ten percent to my Employer

Don’t take work for granted

Lawson Wallace


Photo by Ruslan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-welding-11464011/

When I watch the news, I often see stories about “Quiet Quitting.” Quiet Quitting is a concept that I can’t wrap my head around. It goes against everything my parents taught me.

My parents taught me to do a good job, regardless if I liked it, or not. I have always enjoyed working. It didn’t matter if I was a dishwasher, janitor, or security guard.

If I was hired, I worked hard

I always gave one hundred and ten percent. When I was a janitor, I would work six or seven days a week without taking breaks, I would never have a lunch break.

When I was a security guard, I would work seven days a week, and many double shifts. I didn’t mind those jobs because I enjoyed working.

Keeping my self-respect was important

Here’s the thing, I was loyal and hard-working, and what did my loyalty and hard work get me? nothing lasting, I can tell you that. It doesn’t matter, The company hired me to do a job and I did that job to the best of my ability.

I’m on Disability, and I’m going nuts. Social Security pays me enough to pay my bills. I rarely have any extra cash to…



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.