I Was in a 30 Stories in 30 Days Challenge

I wrote 26 stories in 23 days and quit. Here’s why.

Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe


Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

Writing challenges aren’t for everyone.

About a month ago, I was invited to join a writing challenge by Ms. Berna Tural. She told me about the challenge in a comment to a story. It sounded like it would help get me to write and publish more consistently, so I accepted Berna’s invitation.

Overall, the challenge was a wonderful experience. It was a challenge, not a competition against other writers, so I found it a positive activity. I was writing to prove to myself that I could be consistent and committed in my writing.

I fell in love with the challenge during the first week. I absolutely loved it. I felt invigorated and filled with writing ideas. The more I wrote, the more energy I had to keep going. I wished I had tried a challenge like this sooner.

I had such a positive experience initially that I wrote and publish at least 30 stories every 30 days, every month — forever. I had found what worked for me. Eureka! This would be the formula for my future success.

Around day 15, I hit the wall. I was tired, physically and mentally.

I only had a few things left I wanted to write about for the remainder of the 30 days; my creative well was…



Linda Kowalchek/L.K. Smithe

Writing about real life. Proponent of the passive voice and bringing “that” back. Member of the typewriter generation. Reach me at Linda.kowalchek@gmail.com