Matt Ray
Published in
Apr 26, 2021


Photo Credit: Matt Ray, Leaving Old Towne, Cartagena, and heading towards the newer part of town

I was in my 50s before I ever stayed at a hostel and I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable it was. It turns out old dogs can learn new tricks. I had some concerns about things like security and sharing of personal and private space, but all of my concerns ended up being alleviated in a single stay.

If you’ve ever had concerns about staying at a hostel, perhaps reading this article will help you overcome them. I had a blast staying at the one I stayed at in Cartagena. Great food, nice people, very secure. All at a very affordable rate.



Matt Ray

Top Writer in Travel, Photography, & Poetry. Recently circum-sailed around the world. Find all my Publications, Blogs, & Socials here: