I Was Stuck in the Acquaintance-Zone

I couldn’t get in


Photo by Kat Smith on Pexels

Recently, I published a story on medium, where I talk about my experiences with friendships and friendship breakups. As most people, it was always difficult for me to handle the loss of some friendships, because I thought that the best way for me to prove that I was friendly is having long-term friendships.

Unfortunately, my conception about friendship didn’t help me that much, because some of my ex-friends exploited my kindness and expected me to do any sacrifice for the sake of our friendships.

This article ended up having much more feedback than I expected. One of the commentaries was particularly interesting, because it questions the whole essence of the article: what does that mean to be friend with someone?

Denise’s comment, my own screenshot

There is no other way much more effective to question any bad experiences within friendships then pointing out the concept of acquaintance. Because, in the end, every friend is an acquaintance as well. The main difference between friendships and acquaintances is that in the first case there is a high level of intimacy. You would be more open to share a confidential information about yourself to a…



Marie Cadette Pierre-Louis🇭🇹❤️💞

I'm a passionate poet who occasionally writes essays. Join me in this creative journey: Instagram (@mariecadettepierre) and twitter (@cadettelouis).