I Was The “Pick Me” Type, Until…

Attracting the ones you like!

3 min readApr 5, 2024


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

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Are You the “Pick Me” Type?

Do you always feel like your energy is not reciprocated? Are you the one always giving but not receiving in return? Do you often find yourself explaining your worth?

It might be tempting to vent your frustrations and demand recognition, but is that the solution?

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The “Pick Me” Mentality

Have you ever heard of the “pick me” person?

That’s the one constantly bending backward to please people, expecting the same treatment in return.

But sadly, life doesn’t always work that way. People often don’t take kindly to those who desperately seek approval, accepting whatever they get in return.

It’s like the old saying goes:

Why buy the cow when you’re already getting the milk?

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You’re Over-Expressing

Ranting about your worth may seem like the right move, but it backfires most of the time.

You might come off as needy and desperate instead of commanding respect. Stop seeking validation when you’re being wronged.

Actions speak louder than words, and constantly complaining without taking action is teaching others to mistreat you.

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Healthy Outlets

Instead of repeatedly screaming into the void, find constructive ways to deal with your emotions toward the same people who haven't respected your efforts.

Whether it’s hitting the gym, playing a sport, finding a hobby, journaling, or seeking therapy — prioritize your well-being.


Your Worth is NOT a Reflection of the Treatment You Receive!

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Actions Speak Louder

Rather than sending 2-page paragraphs punctuated with expletives and exclamations, let your actions do the talking instead.

Those paragraphs haven’t made a difference yet, so they probably won’t anytime soon, either.

Step back if someone isn’t giving you the attention and respect you deserve. Your time is valuable, so spend it where it’s valued.

Silence can be a powerful statement.

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Know Your Worth

Relationships should improve your life, not leave you empty and questioning your worth. If a relationship is not serving you, it’s time to walk away.

And you SHOULD NOT be negotiating your worth with anyone who claims to care about you!

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Radiating Positive Energy

Please remember that you are responsible for being a kind and positive person when asserting your worth.

You attract what you project, so focus on emitting good vibes. Be the type of person others are drawn to in friendships and relationships.

If you’re not sure where to start, try this:

Make a list of everything you want from your friendships and romantic relations. Assess that list, and then BECOME IT!

You will pull these people like a magnet!

Birds of a Feather, Flock Together

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Being Your Ideal Self

Before expecting change from others, you have to work on yourself.

Reflect on the qualities you admire in others and strive to embody them. By becoming the best version of yourself, you’ll naturally feel more confident and attract the right people into your life.

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Finally, I’d like to leave you with this thought:

You deserve to be valued, but it starts with valuing yourself. Instead of being the “pick me” type, work on CHOOSING YOU.

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